Special Educator Survival Guide

Screen time that helps kids improve their social-emotional learning


In the age of social media, screens are a fact of life for kids. The good news is that there’s now plenty of SEL-oriented content so there is screen time that helps kids improve their social-emotional learning out there. From YouTube to TV shows to apps, we’ve found an excellent way for your kids to practice their SEL skills. All while having fun with a screen in front of them, instead of an actual screen door like they used to do back in the day.

Check out all Mightier has to offer here

Learning about emotions can be difficult for young children.

Mightier is a game-based program that focuses on the social-emotional learning of young kids. As the learner’s heart rate increases, the game becomes more complex then followed up with cool down strategies to help calm down.

Learning about emotions can be difficult for young children. Mightier is a game-based program that focuses on the social-emotional learning of young kids. As the learner’s heart rate increases, the game becomes more complex. Followed up with cool-down strategies to help calm down.

For example, on one level you have to learn how to identify and explain different facial expressions that might make another person feel sad or angry. The next level requires to think about how your own face looks when you’re experiencing certain emotions.

Aiding kids in learning how to regulate big emotions can be helpful

in avoiding outbursts and channeling frustration into better ways of communicating that is where Mightier’s heart rate monitor comes into play!

You know that feeling when you’re watching your kid play a game on their iPad, and they’re screaming and pounding on the screen because they can’t get past level 2? It’s kind of like watching someone else’s kid throw an epic temper tantrum at the grocery store, or a restaurant. But what if we could teach kids how to recognize when they are getting upset? Then find ways to calm themselves down too? Mightier is designed specifically for this. The program uses dynamic gameplay as well as positive reinforcement (and sometimes punishment) to help young children learn how to regulate their emotions through gameplay.

If your child is struggling with regulating their emotions (or yours), Mightier might be right up your alley!


Managing emotions can be challenging at any age,

We find ways to teach children these skills as early as possible by using items they already enjoy using such as a tablet.

Tablet use is on the rise among children and teens. It’s important that parents know how their child is interacting with technology while they’re using it. You may be concerned about how much time your child spends on a tablet. However, this concern should also come with a healthy dose of positive reinforcement for good behavior as well as constructive feedback.

As long as you have rules about what limits are for (e.g., no violent games), then your kids will develop skills that help them understand their own feelings better by using MIGHITER technology wisely over time that is backed by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital.

Special education social emotional tips for teachers Screen-time-that-helps-kids-improve-their-social-emotional-learning

The experience of social-emotional learning is not just a new frontier in education, but also in parenting.

It can be difficult to keep our children engaged on their learning when there are so many distractions around them. With how much time they spend online, instead of interacting with the world outside their bedroom doors.

Fortunately, companies like MIGHTER have developed programs that help kids improve their social skills. Through screen time activities that involves interactive play and physical movement. Instead of sitting still at home all day watching television shows or playing video games. Mightier includes everything that is needed to get started. It also comes with step-by-step directions. Getting started is easy. It is the perfect addition for special education classrooms or even at home.