Special Educator Survival Guide


7 IEP meeting requirements that every special education Teacher needs to know…


confused about running an IEP meeting? use these tips

Being a special education teacher can be hard especially when we are talking about IEP meeting requirements. Having an IEP meeting checklist can help special education teachers prepare and run a smooth IEP meeting. In this blog series, we will talk about IEP meeting tips for teachers to help you run a smooth meeting. 

Use these IEP meeting checklist to help run an IEP meeting

One of which is IEP meeting requirements. DO you have any IEP meeting questions? I mean, sure that is the foundation for our job. It’s the who, what, when, where of our job. But sometimes, we struggle with holding a smooth IEP meeting and implementing it. Below are some tips and tricks to hold a smooth IEP meeting. 

run a smooth iep meeting with these 7 steps

Do you have IEP meeting questions? Fear not, these seven tips will help you be confident in holding a meeting. The tips will help you!

be confident holding IEP meetings as a teacher

Tip 1- Plan Ahead For The Meeting

make sure to plan ahead and start early

Don’t wait until the day of the meeting to start working on the IEP. Use data collection forms to gain insight. Write the IEP in draft form. Share it with the IEP team member to review before the meeting.

gather data and input

Tip 2- Prepare a draft ahead of the meeting

write a draft IEP ahead of time

In order to prepare the draft, the case manager needs to gather data such as Input, data collection, assessment data, and related service reports. All this information will help write an accurate draft of the student. Before the meeting, have others read it to check for errors or missing information. 

Tip 3- Organize the student’s folder before the meeting


The next tip is to organize the folder with all the forms and data that need to be reviewed. By having it in order, the meeting can move smoothly without fearing something is overlooked or missed. 

Tip 4- Time Management

time management is so important

At the beginning of the meeting, make sure you discuss the reason for the meeting. Discuss how the meeting will run. Assign a timekeeper to help with this because sometimes our nerves get the best of us, am I right?

Tip 5- Use an agenda to stay on track

use an agenda during the meeting

An agenda helps to keep the meeting on track by giving the team. Staying on tracks ensures everyone’s time is being used wisely. 

Tip 6- Complete and sign all forms

complete all forms

Once the team agrees with the proposed IEP, the team will complete and sign all required forms. Make sure all forms are signed. Then give a copy of the forms to the parent

Tip 7- Put the folder in order after the meeting

put folder in order afterwards

When the meeting is over, there are a few more things that need to be done. Putting the folder in order based on state requirements is important. 

use labels for envelopes

In upcoming posts, we will dive in more deeply into each of these steps to help master running a smooth IEP. In the meantime, make sure to grab this IEP meeting checklist for teachers which gives IEP meeting tips.